I was very pleased when my good friend Pete asked me to be a contributor to his new project, GeekDeck, “a new zine/blog thingy that (he is) hoping will wet your appetite for all things geek.” Pete and I have been friends for some time already and find his projects very stimulating and fun. Whoever hasn’t watched his old web show Prog8ox doesn’t missed out big time!
As Pete wanted to publish something fairly quick and gave us all a very tight schedule (he’s a slave driver I tell you), and we went into code release mode at work, I didn’t manage to write my article about GNU/Linux Appliances and Cloud Computing. Instead, I decided to start a regular column called “Cherry Picks of the Month”, where I intend to write about cool applications and write up a super mini review about them. Take a look at the first edition here and do send me any application you may want me to review or pimp. As long as I can get my hands on the source code (don’t give me packages, etc as I do not run any of the popular distros out there) I’ll take it for a whirl.
If you want to read my post about GNU/Linux Appliances don’t fret as I am still considering to write it for an upcoming issue of GeekDeck. I will also have some new reviews for some awesome web apps that will knock your translation (cough Transifex cough) socks off, and… what? You’re not a cool translator like moi? No worries, I will also have appliance building and personal financing in the mix so you don’t feel left out.