Linux World Expo 2006 - Day 2

Pretty easy day today compared to yesterday’s “feeding frenzy”! The other guy who is supposed to help me out these last 2 days didn’t show up until after 12 noon! Ended up taking a cab to the exposition center… about $20 later and some really crazy talk from the cab driver! Scary stuff as he went off on a dialogue with himself… Couldn’t wait to get the hell out of the cab!

Spent the morning answering a few questions here and there. Still people came over to thank us for putting Ubuntu out there! Some people were so eager to show their appreciation that thet didn’t know what to do… Since I was running low in energy (didn’t eat anything all morning), I accepted a cup of coffee… got me through the rest of the day! image0

Got to meet some really cool people and managed to get O’Reilly (books) and VMWare to sponsor some of my Open Source projects… Am planning to share some of this stuff with the Northern MySQL User Group… The KDE people brought in a real chameleon which stole the limelight from the Gnome booth…


Finally managed to meet some of the Gnome hackers, including Luis Villa and Miguel de Icaza, who told me he’ll be at the next Open Source conference coming up in Brazil in a few weeks. At the end of the day the organizers threw a cocktail party for the exhibitors and speakers… It was very strange for me to mingle with the people I get to only read about… Managed to snap a picture with Miguel and a kernel hacker (unfortunatelly I forgot his name).


Tomorrow I’ll be wrapping up and should be able to walk around and snap more pictures…

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