Quick series of small family related news. If you’re looking for tech stuff, skip this post. :)
Before flying to FossCamp, we carved a couple of small pumpkins in preparation for Halloween. This will be baby Kate’s first Halloween and it was also the first time I carved a pumpkin. Yv was very pleased with the final result, specially when we turned off the lights and lit some candles.
Yv lost her first baby tooth and was very excited about the possibility of being visited tonight by the Tooth Fairy! hehehe I never had any of this growing up in Brazil, so I’m really enjoying this experience and can’t wait to see her face tomorrow morning when she finds a US$1 coin under her pillow. :)
Tomorrow we’re taking the girls trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. Yv thought of going as Foresight Linux (her design above) but she finally changed her mind and will be as Wendy (Kate will be Tinkerbell and my wife will go as Peter Pan). Me? Not sure yet… :)