Installing iWhax Linux on VMWare 5

My good friend from `The Land of the Rum <>`__ has spent the last 4-5 days attempting to install iWhax Linux onto him Windows XP laptop via VMWare 5. If I remember correctly, there weren’t a lot of usefull information “out there” in the web and the few posts we (I also did some googling on the side for him) came across were either inacurate or not very newbie friendly. I remember that I borrowed his laptop this last Friday and tried some of the “recipes” but the automated installation script (don’t remember the exact location in the iWhax menu) failed miserably every single attempt.

Well, after advising him to make a few changes to his recipe, I am very proud to inform that he’s cooked up a hell of a recipe! I was very fortunate to watch iWhax’s Lilo screen show up and eventually see the distribution running flawlessly. I guess the part that I’m most proud of is the amount of work he put into it and how much he learned these few days! I also learned a few tricks here and there and was able to practice my low-level Linux knowledge.

There’s also someone else who’s been talking to me since last Friday (and as a matter of fact just sent me an email here at work) about his new quest for the ultimate Linux experience. It is times life these that make my stay here a bit more enjoyable. This place is slowly turning into a Linux hookery and I’m the *Pater Familis*! ;)

My friend will post his recipe fairly soon together with a copy of the virtual machine, which I’ll happily host for him. Check back for more information soon.

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