Been working hard with the GNOME Brazilian team to finish up the translation effort in time for 2.18. With the release date just around the corner, it is almost time to reap what we have sown:
Language Team Documentation (% User Interface (% translated) translated)
Arabic 0% (130/8/23855) 99% (36988/0/3)
British English 32% (7912/0/16081) 99% (36988/0/3)
French 74% (17962/128/5903) 99% (36988/0/3)
Portuguese 0% (0/0/23993) 99% (36988/0/3)
Swedish 67% (16198/146/7649) 99% (36988/0/3)
Brazilian 19% (4794/811/18388) 99% (36928/20/43) Portuguese
Catalan 0% (144/1/23848) 99% (36837/90/64)
Korean 0% (54/18/23921) 99% (36785/2/204)
Vietnamese 0% (195/6/23792) 99% (36707/111/173)
German 3% (819/76/23098) 99% (36704/120/167)
As you can see, the joined effort put together by the GNOME and Ubuntu Brazilian localization team has paid off, and though the documentation is not in the same level as the user interface, it is something we will be dealing with in the very next iteration. With 99% (36928/20/43) done, where 20 strings are marked as doubtfull and 43 without a translation, we should be 100% in no time!