Getting older and keeping up with translations

So today is my birthday and I’m now 34. It is also my mother’s birthday, and as she’s been having some health issues, I decided to surprise her and drive up to NJ/NY. For the first time the trip went really smooth and it only took me 8 1/2 hours to get here. The very first thing I did, and you’re going to laugh at this, was to buy some Chinese food! You will not believe how bad the Chinese food is in North Carolina (or maybe all the places I’ve tried suck?)! This seems to be a regular trend, as some people who I talked about this also told me that it is really hard to get good Chinese in Florida and Massachussetts.

The weather here is just as hot as it is in NC, and with 95 F ++ you’d have to be nuts to be outdoors! So here we all are getting ready to work on a 750 jigsaw puzzle (a family thing)… I decided to check the status of my translations for the XFCE project using my pet project PyLyglot:

pylyglot —update xfce goodies pylyglot —needs-update xfce goodies

I was informed that the thunar-svn-plugin and xfce4-datetime-plugin packages needed attention (the UI is not really my focus at the moment).

PyLuglot statusinformation

A few minutes later I committed my own translations back to the repository… now back to some cold beer (I first tried Blue Moon beer when I moved to Chapel Hill) and a puzzle.

Oh, and happy birthday to me! :)

Obs: Fixed the link to Pylyglot (thanks Fábio!).

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