End of 2007 and new beginnings

It’s was the end of the year and my head has been spinning with ideas! The important thing is to know how to take advantage of this and try to turn them into reality. That’s why I’m planning on using online systems like Remember The Milk(RTM) to help me get more organized. Since I check my gMail at least a good 50 times a day, and RTM integrates well with it, I won’t have any excuses if I forget something now.

Since our company closes down during the last week of the year, and it was Yv’s birthday on the 22nd, we packed our stuff and drove to Northern New Jersey to spend her birthday, as well as the holidays with our family. The trip took forever: 9 hours going there and 11 coming back. But it was worth seeing our family and see how my two daughters, the only grandchildren from both sides, are adored by all. :)


Elizabeth and I took advantage of some free time we had (free as in no kids around since they were with the grandparents) to watch Will Smith’s “I am legend”. Believe it or not, but by coincidence we ended up going to the same movie theater in New Jersey where we first dated 8 years ago! It was pretty amusing to return to the “starting point”, but this time having been married for 7 years and with 2 kids.

I found some time to work on my translations for the up and coming GNOME 2.22. I also worked on my pet project BillReminder together with Luiz Armesto. It’s very nice to have someone coding with you, and Luiz is a great programmer and a good friend! We took some time to write down the necessary steps  for a 0.3 release, which I’m planning to do on the 15th of February (anyone who can guess the reason will get a lollipop!)!


I packaged a few things for the upcoming version 2.0 of Foresight which should be released this year. One of these programs was TextFlow created by my friend Yuri Malheiros. This project is already looking really nice and I intend to keep contributing with it as much as time allows me. If you’re looking for a cool project to get you started in the world of Python and open source, look no further. Both BillReminder and TextFlow projects are looking for a helping hand. Feel free to contact either one of us.


For 2008 I have many plans, specially in terms of organizing my time and take better advantage of it.  The translations for GNOME, XFCE, Openbox and KDE (this year should see me contributing a whole lot to the KDE project) are part of my world domination plan, as well as find a way to finally buy my own place, be that an apartment or a house. I also hope to be able to visit Brazil since the last time I did it was in 2005, but only time will tell…

I wish you all a great 2008 filled with peace, love and happiness! Carpe diem!

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