I’m really loving this “war” between Google and Yahoo, battling to see who attracts more users. I think we, the “middle man,” will only gain in the end. Today Google announced they’re increasing everyone’s gmail account to a whopping 2GB!!! Also, they’ve added the ability to write emails using rich text features, such as: Bold, Italics, Underline, Select a special font, Font Size, Font Color, Background Color, Remove Formatting, Hyperlink Text, Numbered List, Bulleted List, Indent Less, Indent More, Quote Text, Left Align, Center Align, Right Align.
I say let them keep this going… Hope Microsoft will also put on their gloves and present us with something that will sweep us off our feets! ;)
Update: The rollout seems to be moving right along… So far I’m up to 1337MB! It seems to be in synch with the animated counter they have on gmail's main site!