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Feeling a bit rusty with your linux skills? Are you a new Ubuntu linux user and feel overwelmed with packaging managers, gpg keys, and IRC lingo? Well, the solution is right around the corner. The folks at New User Network have launched the Ubuntu Classroom, a project aimed at delivering good, live didatic material to all users, new and “seasoned.”

Some classes have already been scheduled for the month of August and there are some open slots for instructors. Though I can assume all classes will be administered in english, I’m sure they wouldn’t oppose the idea of having some slots for classes in other languages. So, if you feel like helping out and need more information (and to view an up to date schedule), check out their page.

Date Time Class Topic Instructor(s)

Aug 5^th^ and 6^th^ TBD Introduction to Internet RichJohnson(KDE) Relay Chat (IRC) KevinGailey(CLI)

Aug 19^th^ and TBD Introduction to Command KevinGailey 20^th^ Line Interface (Terminal) JasonRibeiro

Sep 2^nd^ and 3^rd^ TBD Introduction to Package JohnVivirito Compiling & Installing MarekSpruell

Sep 16^th^ and TBD Package Managers - CoreyBurger 17^th^ Graphical & Command Line RichJohnson(KDE)

Sep 30^th^ and Oct TBD Internet, News, and Instructor(s) 1^st^ Messaging Needed

Oct 14^th^ and TBD E-Mail Clients - RichJohnson(KDE) 15^th^ Configuration & Use

Nov 4^th^ and 5^th^ TBD Multimedia - Audio, Instructor(s) Video, Ripping & Burning Needed

Nov 18^th^ and TBD GPG Encryption Instructor(s) 19^th^ Needed

Dec 2^nd^ and 3^rd^ TBD System Administration 101 Instructor(s) Needed

Dec 16^th^ and TBD The Linux Kernel Instructor(s) 17^th^ Needed

Jan 1^st^ and 2^nd^ TBD Advanced System Instructor(s) Administration Needed

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