Achtung, Baby!

Been away from this blog for quite some time now. Obviously, a great deal of events have taken place, and I intend to talk about most of them, eventually…

The one thing that I’m most proud of however, is my most recent achievement: my Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) certification! This was one of my most coveted plans for the year and I’m extremelly excited and relieved for achieving this milestone! I worked hard for 2 straight weeks trying my best to grasp all of the new (to me, for I’m a software guy) hardware related subjects that were expected to be in the exam.

I must admit that having Evan McNabb around helped a whole lot! He radiates his enthusiasm for Linux and Open Source, and you’d have to be completely numb not to be affected by it!

What’s next? I’d actually like to find a new job as a Linux Administrator or Developer to gain more experience with some of the enterprise facets of IT that I haven’t had a chance to be exposed to yet… and hopefully become an Open Source Strategist and get paid for doing what I really love!


My certification number is 804006215019278 and can be verified here!

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