[10:29:10 AM] Dude: there’s way too many “social” networks to keep track of nowadays [10:29:51 AM] Og Maciel: hehehe [10:30:01 AM] Og Maciel: I’ve been using Tweet these days [10:30:10 AM] Og Maciel: but not as aggressively as some people [10:30:22 AM] Dude: the one that says what you are doing every hour? [10:30:25 AM] Og Maciel: sheesh, they “tweet” for every &%^$&@ thing they do [10:30:32 AM] Dude: yeah… [10:30:34 AM] Og Maciel: every minute even [10:30:42 AM] Og Maciel: “taking a crap” [10:30:42 AM] Dude: people spend more time tweeting more than doing what they are tweeting about [10:30:51 AM] Og Maciel: “out of tp” [10:30:53 AM] Dude: “reaching for toilet paper” [10:30:59 AM] Dude: “toilet paper ripped” [10:31:04 AM] Dude: “reaching again” [10:31:07 AM] Og Maciel: “turd is too compact… blockage” [10:31:12 AM] Dude: rofl [10:31:17 AM] Og Maciel: :)