A Plea for Jorge Castro

I was extremely sad to find out over the weekend that the always lovable Jorge Castro has decided to take a back seat in the Gnu/Linux world. I had a chance to meet him over the UDS-MTV and was very impressed by his genuine interest and willingness to “make the world a better place.” (c) It is very unfortunate that we have so many people out there who rather spill poison than use their energy to be constructive!

Jorge, I really hope you’ll reconsider your decision! The community needs people like you, and I’m sure I am not the only one who thinks this way! I strongly believe that your inner drive is much stronger than all the negativity you’ve been exposed to!!! Think of any bitter words that have been tossed your way as just another one of those obstacles in life… just a minor pebble that I’m sure you’ll get over, for it will make you stronger!!! And boy, won’t it make it all much sweeter when you reach the summit and you look at all you’ve accomplished in your journey!

Warm regards from a Brazilian who thinks very highly of you!

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