From the “Read a Book to a Child" department, I’d like to recommend two amazing books that will be a sure hit for any kid, even the one inside you!
[caption id=“attachment_969” align=“alignleft” width=“216”
caption=“Watch me throw the ball by Mo Willems”][/caption]
“Watch Me Throw the Ball" An Elephant & Piggie Book by Mo Willems is a wonderful book! I simply love the way Mo Willems writes the dialogs between Gerald, the always cautious and pessimistic elephant and Piggie, an optimistic, lovable pig. This time Piggie wants to show Gerald how he can throw a ball and have fun at the same time, but Gerald is quick to tell him that to properly do that, one needs lots and lots of practice and hard work. Best if read out loud, there is no way your audience won’t fall in love with these two goofballs!
[caption id=“attachment_968” align=“alignright” width=“185” caption=“I,
Jack by Patricia Finney”][/caption]
“I, Jack" by Patricia Finney is yet another great book to read out loud to a child. It tells us the adventure of Jack, a lovable yellow lab who falls in love with the dog next door. Things gets complicated when puppies arrive and Jack gets split between protecting his new "pack leader" and being a good dog to his family of "apedogs". Told through the point of view of Jack himself, this book will have you laughing out loud as you see what the daily life of a dog could be like if you could only be a dog. The narrative is brilliantly filled with visual effects and sounds, but don’t take my word for it. Check out this free chapter and enjoy it!